
About admin

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So far admin has created 269 blog entries.



Chart-topping singer-songwriter Matthew West has had over a dozen top 10 hits and written for the likes of Billy Ray Cyrus and Rascal Flatts. All that success may tell an incredible story, but Matthew shares with 9-time Emmy winner David Sams about what it's taken for him to fully rely on God when trials come and [...]


2021-05-28T21:22:46+00:00Author, TV|

Dana Perino co-hosts Fox News' The Five and co-anchors America's Newsroom & shares from her new book filled with advice for young women, "Everything Will Be Okay" that worrying won't make a difference, but actually hinders your productivity. The former White House Press Secretary to President George W. Bush talks with 9-time Emmy winner David [...]


2021-05-26T23:05:29+00:00Author, TV|

Shannon Bream anchors Fox News at Night and serves as the networks' legal correspondent, but her passion recently has been empowering women with ancient wisdom. Her new book, "The Women of the Bible Speak" reveals how faith has played a role on her road to success riddled with her fair share of setbacks along the [...]


2021-04-27T20:15:37+00:00Author, Podcaster|

The Covid-19 pandemic has been tough on everyone, especially children. What can parents do to help them work through their worry and anxiety? Author, speaker and highly sought-after counselor Sissy Goff explains ways to help teens recognize and overcome these issues, from her latest book "Brave: A Teen Girl's Guide to Beating Worry and Anxiety." She [...]



New York Times best-selling author (Love Does), speaker and "recovering lawyer" Bob Goff has an infectious way of helping people dream big no matter their rank and status and he's been at it for decades. He tells 9-time Emmy winner David Sams that one of his favorite ways to do this is allowing others to [...]

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