
About admin

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So far admin has created 269 blog entries.


2020-09-04T22:47:46+00:00Author, Speaker|

2020 isn't just the year of the coronavirus - many have found themselves battling the spread of fear. Failure, rejection, exposure to a deadly virus, racial unrest—the fears we carry are heavy and we will never be short on fears. Fear can be a tyrant, a bully we can’t hide from. Ed Young, pastor of [...]



What happens when your life doesn't mirror your Instagram? Mila Grigg founded MODAImageConsulting and knows image is everything. She works with Fortune 1000 companies helping them get to their WHY. Consistent brand and integrity mattered most as she was put through the fire when her husband was sent to federal prison & she was 6 [...]



If you want to be a true leader, what is your superpower? Best-selling author ("Help I Work With People") and global faith leader Chad Veach says flexibility, agility & communication are key. Whether you are running a Fortune 500 company or running your home, don't miss out on these leadership principles. Plus from protests to [...]



The pain of losing a child will leave you heartbroken. Jennie Lusko knows that pain. She and her husband Levi lost their 5 year old daughter, Lenya when she died from an asthma attack 5 days before Christmas. How did Jennie fight her way back to flourish? Discover how she found hope and says the [...]


2020-06-19T22:05:37+00:00Actor, Comedian|

It's true that laughter is the best medicine! Comedian and actor Michael Jr. doesn't just perform to get a laugh from those who follow his clean comedy routine, he looks to see what he can give. Michael Jr. uses comedy to inspire audiences to activate their purpose. He shares about finding tools in the middle [...]

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