

2024-09-13T00:05:05+00:00Author, Speaker|

​Are you tired of feeling weighed down by ​​today’s complex racial, cultural, and socio-political challenges? James E. Ward Jr., known as "America's Zero Victim Pastor," offers a fresh perspective on how to break free from these burdens. A highly sought-after speaker, James addresses ​t​hese taboo subjects with a message that’s both timely and transformative. His "Zero Victim" philosophy [...]


2024-07-03T23:49:18+00:00Author, Speaker|

Want to learn how to turn fear into faith, tragedy into triumph, suffering into strength? Taya Kyle was thrusted into the national scene when her husband, Chris Kyle, became known as one of America’s greatest heroes. His story was told in the book and movie, “American Sniper.” After Chris’ death at a shooting range in [...]


2023-12-05T22:09:18+00:00Author, Speaker|

‘Tis the season! “America’s pastor,” Max Lucado, is joining nine-time Emmy winner David Sams on the Contagious Influencers of America podcast to help get you in the Christmas spirit. As always, Max brings his poetic storytelling to the table sharing about Jesus being born and his own personal overcomer story that inspired his latest best [...]

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