

2022-05-03T22:03:34+00:00Author, Speaker|

Need coaching through a challenge? Are you not sure how to be a leader through the immense changes we’re seeing in the workplace? It’s time for some Ziglarisms! Tom Ziglar is the son of the late, great motivational speaker, Zig Ziglar. Tom is carrying on the legacy as the CEO of the Zig Ziglar Corporation [...]


2022-02-16T00:33:13+00:00Author, Speaker|

They say no one is immune to the trials and tribulations in life. Levi Lusko is a pastor of the multi-site Fresh Life Church and is a bestselling author. But Levi’s family was thrown a tragic curveball when their five-year-old daughter, Lenya, died of an asthma attack. Levi sits down with nine-time Emmy winner, David [...]

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